A local Waukesha County business owner reported a suspicious looking package to local law enforcement. The responding officers identified a bag that was partially covered in snow and frozen to the ground. It appeared that the bag had been there for some time so as the snow began to melt, it became exposed. The bag contained approximately 1,300 Walmart gift cards. The magnetic stripes on 777 of the cards were immediately scanned into the ERAD-FCIS system, which determined that all of the magnetic stripes contained stolen credit card information, but none of the gift cards had been activated. The approximately 600 remaining cards were taped together, similar to a brick of drugs, and sent to the crime lab for finger print analysis. Waukesha County used the ERAD Card Issuer Report to notify the affected banks. April DeValkenaere (april.devalkenaere@da.wi.gov).

Waukesha County recovers 1,300 cloned WalMart cards
February 10, 2020