Identifying Financial Fraud

Identifying Financial Fraud

ERAD is often an integral part of identifying financial fraud, freezing/seizing assets, and documenting information to support investigations. We have highlighted a recent case that may be of interest to you in which ERAD provided support to the DEA and helped them to...

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Pre-paid cards, the criminal global currency

Pre-paid cards, the criminal global currency

As we move closer to the holiday season, American’s are no doubt beginning to think about gifts for loved-ones and friends. Finding that perfect gift though can often be a challenge and even stressful for some. Increasingly, pre-paid cards, or gift cards have become a...

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Smith County Texas Commissioner’s Court approves ERAD

Smith County Texas Commissioner’s Court approves ERAD

TYLER, TX (KLTV) - In commissioner’s court on Tuesday morning, the court unanimously passed a request from the criminal district attorney to partner with ERAD GROUP. “What we’ve noticed with our sophisticated criminals, especially our gas pump skimmers and organized...

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